Infant Mortality

Nutrition for Special Groups 3(3+0)

Lesson 5 : Health Status of Mothers and Children

Infant Mortality

Of the infants born each year 10% die before their first birthday and 4% before their 5th birthday. Peri natal mortality accounts for about 90% of all fetal and infant mortality. Low birth weight babies born to mothers with a poor nutritional status or medical problems often die due to lack of timely care. Late neonatal and post neonatal deaths (after the first week of life) are caused up to 10% due to Tetanus, diarrhoeal disease, and respiratory infections. However 57% of infant mortality is due to malnutrition.Critical vulnerable groups are developing fetuses, children up to the age of 3 years and women before, during and after pregnancy.

Last modified: Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 7:58 AM