Dietary Guidelines

Nutrition for Special Groups 3(3+0)

Lesson 15: Nutrition for the Lactating Mothers

Dietary Guidelines

  1. Nutritional requirements are maximum during lactation than any age group. Diet should be balanced to meet the requirement. Number and frequency of meals can be increased.
  2. Sucking is the best lactogogue, dietary lactogogues can be used.
  3. To stimulate production of milk – garlic; milk; garden cress seeds can be used.
  4. To increase milk secretion – goat/meat, fish and mutton can be used.
  5. Special foods – ‘sonth’ laddu; ‘gond (edible gum) laddu’ etc.
  6. Weight gain beyond desirable for body size should be avoided. When baby is weaned, the mother should reduce food intake and come back to normal adult body weight.
  7. To control constipation – use raw or cooked fruits and vegetables, whole grains, adequate fluids instead of using laxatives.
  8. No food should be withheld from mother’s diet unless it causes distress to the infant, irritability or gastric distress e.g. Coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, onions, etc.
  9. If mother is below 17 yrs of age and if she has multiple pregnancies, she should take additional care in meeting the nutritional requirements.
  10. If mother has rapid weight loss while breast-feeding her calorie intake should be increased.
Last modified: Friday, 4 May 2012, 10:58 AM