Space Programming

Commercial Interior Space Designing-II 4(1+3)

Lesson 12:Designing Public Space for Health Care

Space Programming

The healthcare’s space and functional programs comprise the foundation for all subsequent design activity. The healthcare planner shall determine the number of all functional units in the project such as the number of operating rooms, outpatient clinics, Endoscopy rooms, as well as major equipment capacities, laundry and kitchen equipment. The Healthcare Planner should arrive, through calculations, at the right-size of the facilities and functional units such as number of operating rooms, clinics, etc. The functional units are further detailed into a full space program with departmental and gross areas.


Programming space for healthcare institution is totally different from projects such as office building or sports complex. There are crucial elements that needs consideration in programming includes - location and connectivity to public, parking, access and control to different department, operation theatre, nursing stations, laboratories and services according to the latest standards and guidelines, equipment control room, controlled mechanical ventilation systems, security and fire safety services and maintenance, hygienic handling of healthcare wastes management

Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 7:02 AM