
Lesson 15 : Housing Environment for Special Needs - Aged & Elderly


While becoming old is a natural phenomenon, the problems associated with it are also inevitable. It is at this stage of life that one needs housing, healthcare and financial care more than ever.

It is important to give thought to housing needs of those in the old age stage of life cycle. The span of years belonging to the age group is from 55 onwards. As per the standards followed by the ILO, workers are considered aged beyond the age of 45 years. The elderly/ aged are a growing proportion of the population in much of the world. The number of persons 60 yrs and older is the world us expected to increase from 376 million in 1980 it 1.1 billion by 2025. In India 6.1% of the population was over 60 yrs of age in 1991. Between 1991- 2020 the % of Indians over 60 yrs of age is expected to grow by 160 %. However, due to the trend of lower birth rates and lower death rates, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, one out of every ten people on the planet is now 60 years of age or older. If the current trend of lowering birth rates and lowering death rates continues, by the year 2050 one out of five people will be aged 60 years or older and by 2150, one out of every three people will be aged 60 years or older. Additionally, the oldest old are the most rapidly expanding segment of the elderly population. Currently, the oldest old make up 11 percent of the 60+ age group and will grow to 19 percent by 2050.

With an increasing aging population, Indians are waking up to the need for specially designed homes for the elderly who have resources to afford not only homes but also nursing care. These homes ensure good health care, full services for a fee. These apartments which are equipped with 24 hour medical services, dining and recreational facilities, wheel chair facilities are available for a monthly maintenance charge plus the initial cost of the apartment. These independent living retirement arrangements enable the older people to enjoy life without being bothered about day-to-day maintenance. They can actively participate in the activities of the residents and also play games, swim, go out shopping and enjoy other cultural activities. Usually food is provided but the enterprising ones can cook their own meals. Such senior housing facilities are for those senior citizens who cannot take full responsibility but still want to be independent.

Many older persons have strong psychological attachments to their homes related to length of residence. The home often represents the place where they raised their children and a lifetime of memories. It is also a connection to an array of familiar persons such as neighbors and shopkeepers as well as nearby places including houses of worship, libraries and community services. For many older persons, the home is an extension of their own personalities which is found in the furnishings and decor. In addition, the home can represent a sense of economic security for the future, especially for homeowners who have paid off their mortgages. For owners, the home is usually their most valuable financial asset. The home also symbolizes a sense of independence in that the resident is able to live on his or her own. For these types of reasons 80% of older persons report that what they want is to "stay in their own homes and never move." This phenomenon has been termed the preference to "age in place."

Last modified: Monday, 9 July 2012, 6:26 AM