Understanding Human Behaviour

Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 12 : Human Relations Management

Understanding Human Behaviour

Theory ‘Y’ emphasizes the need for understanding human beings as human beings. It pinpoints the fact that human resources cannot be regarded in the same way as one views commodities like machines, plants etc. Due weightage should be given to the word ‘HUMAN’ because it signifies that a worker, like all other human beings, has his needs, emotions and ambitions. A successful manager, therefore, must so structure his organization that his employees find ample opportunities to satisfy their needs and channelize their creative energies towards the development of the responsibility of their own as also of the organization.

Understanding human behavior is not a child’s play. It is a ticklish problem. Human beings react to different situations differently. Even the same human beings may react to the same situation differently at different points of time. The way a human being looks at a thing is called ‘Perception’. It is worth nothing that perception of a fact may not be the fact itself. The reality as it is and the reality as we see it may be quite different. As a matter of fact we see realities in our own way and consider that to be the only way. A manager must realize this difference in perception of various individuals and be able to see the viewpoint of each side involved in any issue.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 May 2012, 7:48 AM