Physical and Psychological Tests

Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 25 : Personnel Management

Physical and Psychological Tests

Under the Factories Act, all young people up to the age of 18 must be medically examined annually, but several firms make this obligatory on all new entrants. This is a safeguard to both parties and helps to prevent unsuitable employment and lost time due to ill-health. Psychological tests that measure intelligence and aptitudes are far less common, but examples can be found in all branches of textiles especially apparels.

The interview remains the universal method of selection of all grades of workers and a great deal has been written about this gentle art. The object of the employment interview is to find out whether the candidate fits the job specification, to get from him any relevant information about himself and his experience that is not already known from his application or test results, and to give him in turn the necessary facts about both the company and the particular role in question. The interviewer has two main tasks: first, to create the necessary rapport for a natural conversation, and secondly, to be able to recognize the relevant clues that will help him to make his assessment.

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 May 2012, 11:23 AM