Implementation Methodology

Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 36 : SA-8000 : A Vital Tool for Garment Industry

Implementation Methodology

Implementation of SA 8000 in a manufacturing organisation involves following steps:

  1. Conducting Awareness Programme: At the very first stage the aspiring company needs to conduct an awareness programme for top, middle & worker level to make them understand the basic concept of SA 8000, its benefit & role of individuals in the implementation process.
  2. Formation of a steering committee & selection of MR who irrespective of other responsibilities shall be responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this standard are met.
  3. Survey the existing system against SA 8000 system & gap analysis. This includes survey of workers age, salary, PF, ESI, work environment, etc.
  4. Formulation of remedial plan, policy, and documentation of procedure, as required by this standard .The organisation must generate & maintain all necessary records.
  5. Identification & provision of required resources and creation of facilities to comply with the various requirement of the standard.
  6. Establishing and development of grievance handling system.
  7. Review of applicability of various National & State Laws for each requirements vis- a -vis determining customer requirements code of conduct, if any.
  8. Implementation of the documented system in a phase wise manner through involvement of all.
  9. Gestation period depending of the size & status of the organisation.
  10. Conducting internal quality audit by a group of trained auditor. Ensure corrective action for the non conformance identified during audit.
  11. Conducting Management Review Meeting to review the adequacy of the company's policy, procedures and performance results & verify the effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
  12. Selection of certification bodies (accredited with SAI); pre-certification (optional) & followed by final certification.

The certificate issued is valid for 2 - 3 years subject to Surveillance Audit every six months to one year.

Last modified: Monday, 28 May 2012, 11:14 AM