2.1.4 Points for Primary data

2.1.4 Points for Primary data

In fact, before collecting primary data it is desirable that one should go through the existing literature and learn what is already known of the general area in which the specific problem falls and all surrounding information that may give us leads and lessons. This can help in getting an idea about the possible pitfalls, avoiding duplication of efforts and waste of resources. It should be noted that it is the process of assembling primary data which is called ‘collection’ of statistics and is different from the process of ‘compiling’ statistics (i.e secondary data) from various published sources. To quote Crum, Patton and Tebbutt, ‘Collection means the assembling, for the purpose of particular investigation of entirely new data, presumably not already available in published sources’. We have used the term ‘collection’ in this book strictly in the narrow sense defined above.

Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 6:01 AM