Derived proteins


  • As the name implies that these proteins are formed from simple and conjugated proteins, from the action of heat, enzymes or chemicals.
  • They are sub divided into,
    • Primary derived proteins 
    • Secondary derived proteins

Primary derived proteins

  • The structure of these protein derivatives are slightly changed from original proteins. These are also called as denatured proteins. E.g. coagulated proteins. They are produced by action of alcohol and heat.
  • Metaproteins: they are formed by the action of acid and alkali on proteins.

Secondary derived proteins

  • These are smaller molecules produced by the hydrolysis of proteins.
  • They are generally water-soluble and not coagulated by heat. Eg: proteases, peptones and peptides are formed by the hydrolytic cleavage of proteins.
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 11:24 AM