Transfer RNA (t RNA)


  •  They constitute about 15% of the total RNA in the cell. tRNA is also known as soluble RNA.
  • t RNA is a small, single stranded molecule consists of approximately 75 – 90 nucleotides.
  • It is the smallest of the 3 types of RNA.
  • Structure of t RNA
    • All t RNA have a cloverleaf secondary structure, which is the arrangement that gives the maximum intramolecular complementary base pairing.
    • All t RNA molecule contains 4 main arms, viz.,
      • Amino acid acceptor arm consists of base sequences of CCA at the 3’ end, which carries the amino acid.
      • Anticodon arm, which includes the triplet anticodon that interacts with mRNA in the process of protein synthesis.
      • D arm, so called because of its high content of modified base dihydrouridine.
      • T Ψ C arm contains the T Ψ C sequence, where the Ψ is the modified base, pseudouridine.
    • There is at least one specific tRNA for each of the amino acid.
  • Functions of t RNA
    • t RNA molecules activate amino acids and bring them to ribosome for protein synthesis.
    • t RNA is to recognize the codon of the mRNA to ensure that the correct amino acid is incorporated.

t-RNA structure

Last modified: Sunday, 18 December 2011, 3:32 PM