Armsby feeding standard


  • Armsby standard in U.S.A was based on true protein and net energy values.
  • By means of the respiration calorimeter, Armsby determined the net energy required for mastication, digestion, assimilation and also the amount of heat and gases given off through the excretory channels.
  • Thus after considering the various losses of energy such as in urine, faeces, gases and in the work of digestion, he was able to estimate the amount of net energy available for productive purposes. Armsby expresses his standard in two factors, that is true protein and therms of net energy.
  • A common criticism of the Armsby standard is that the expense of determining requirements of the animals and the net energy in the various feeds is excessively high.
  • The net energy values of only a very few feeds had actually been determined and most of the values have been computed from the Table of Morrison’s digestible nutrients.
  • Armsby standard is not as widely used as are the standards based on digestible nutrients.


Armsby Calorimeter

Last modified: Sunday, 13 November 2011, 4:51 AM