Cornual nerve block


Illustration in ox - I

Illustration in ox - II

Illustration in goat

  • Cornual nerve is a sensory nserve supplying to the horn core and skin around its base.
  • It is a branch of Lacrimal nerve which is a division of the ophthalmic branch of Trigeminal nerve.
  • The cornual nerve emerges behind the orbit and ascends along frontal crest and placed relatively superficial in the upper third covered by skin and the thin layer of frontalis.
  • The caudal part of the nerve is having close association with the superficial temporal artery.
  • Indications: Amputation of horn in conditions like horn cancer, fracture of horn.
  • Site: Close to frontal crest of the frontal bone about one inch below the base of the horn.
Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 6:48 AM