Recording of Ruminal Motility and Reticular Sounds


  • The orderly and synchronized movements of rumen and reticulum help in mixing of ingesta, mix the saliva with the food, in regurgitation, in eructation of gases and to propel the food down the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bacterial fermentation and physical maceration by contraction of the stomach walls are the main functions of the forestomach.
  • Ruminal motility is therefore used as an index of digestive function in the ruminant. The rumen is routinely examined clinically as an indicator of the state of the other stomachs.
  • The rumino-reticular contractions cause waves or ripples in the left paralumbar fossa, which can be identified by auscultation and palpation.
  • The rumen and reticulum show primary cycle (mixing) and secondary cycle (eructation) contractions.
    • Primary cycle consists of a biphasic reĀ­ticular contraction followed by contraction of dorsal and then ventral rumen sacs. The ventral sac contraction may reoccur after an interval of one minute.
    • The secondary cycle is confined to rumen and consists of dorsal sac contraction.
  • The ruminal motility can be assessed by Visual inspection method, Palpatory method.
  • The reticular sounds can be assessed by Auscultatory method only.
Last modified: Saturday, 4 June 2011, 4:59 AM