Visual Observation


  • Secure the ruminant animal in a trevis.
  • Observe alternate rising and sinking of the left parĀ­alumbar fossa in conjuction with abdominal surface ripples/undulations is seen in the hollow left paralumbar fossa and left abdominal region.
  • The ripples are caused by rumen motility during both primary and the secondary cycles.
  • In the left paralumbar fossa there are two horizontal ripples move from the lower abdominal region up to the paralumbar fossa, where they sink, again move ventrally and disappears at the lower left abdominal region.
  • The waves provide information on the intenisty of the rumino-reticular contractions.
  • Record the number of ripples moving upper minute.
Last modified: Saturday, 4 June 2011, 5:04 AM