

  • Mendel used letters of the alphabet as symbols for factors (genes).
  • The character that expresses itself in all the offspring of a monohybrid cross is termed dominant and the trait that fails to express is termed recessive.
  • A capital letter signified a dominant and a lowercase letter a recessive member of a pair of alleles.
  • The female parent is written first in genetic crosses.
  • A female and a male gamete combine in fertilization to produce a zygote.
  • Zygotes or individual organisms carrying two units of one allele (Example DD or dd) are homozygous and those with two alleles (Example: Dd) are heterozygous.
  • A gene can have many different versions, called alleles.
  • Phenotype : observable physical characteristics or visible expression of a trait .
  • Genotype: actual gene constitution .
  • Hybrids: The F1 progeny produced by two pure line parental generations are called hybrids.
  • Monohybrid cross: A cross involving contrasting expression of one trait is called Monohybrid cross.
  • Dihybrid: have two pairs of different characters.
  • Polyhybrid: have more than two pairs of different characters.




Last modified: Wednesday, 28 March 2012, 6:51 AM