

  • Genes which affect the viability as well as the visible traits of an organism are called lethal genes and the phenomenon is called lethality.
  • Lethal genes can be recessive , dominant , conditional, semilethal / sublethal, or synthetic, depending on the gene or genes involved.
  • If the lethal effect is dominant and immediate in expression, all individuals carrying the gene will die and the gene will be lost.
  • Dominant lethal genes are expressed in both homozygotes and heterozygotes. All individuals carrying the genes will die and the genes will be lost in populations.
  • Recessive lethal allele carried in the heterozygous condition has no effect but they cause death when an organism carries two copies of the lethal allele.
  • Recessive lethal may come to expression when mating between carriers occurs.

Lethal gene

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Last modified: Tuesday, 20 March 2012, 5:57 AM