Hardy-Weinberg Law - Multiple alleles


  • If dominance is lacking, calculation of gene frequency is simple in multiple allelic systems.
  • The best gene frequency estimate comes from simple gene counting.
  • For example, in European cattle breeds, three transferrin alleles A, D and E occur.
  • No dominance exists and so six genotypes can be distinguished, i.e., AA, AD, AE, DD, DE and EE.
  • If we let these symbols denote the numbers of each genotype and N denotes the total number, we may calculate the gene frequencies as follows:

multile allele frequency

multile allele frequency

multiple allele frequency

  • For a three allele system, the equilibrium genotype frequencies can be expressed algebraically as p + q + r = 1

(p + q + r) 2 = p2 + q2 + r2 + 2pq + 2pr + 2qr = 1

  • The ABO blood groups in man are determined by a series of three multiple allelic genes: A, B and O alleles.
  • If there is dominance, then the estimation is slightly complicated, and approximate methods have to be used.




Last modified: Saturday, 23 July 2011, 7:25 AM