Demographic factor
The change in the size and the composition of the population is an important factor leading to social change. The expanding population brings about many changes in the nation's economy.
It is in a position to produce more, consume more and also engage in better trade. Similarly as the composition of population changes rapidly social changes are likely to occur. Eg:- Population of minority community increases compared to majority.
Advances in science and technology, indirectly boost world population by delaying death.
Population growth appears to pass through a series of three stages
There is a period of high birth rate and high death rate leading to small increase in population. This was characteristic of all parts of the world in the middle of 19th century.
High birth rate with low death rate leading to population explosion. Characteristic feature in all countries especially in Africa and Asia.
Low birth rate and low death rate leading to population stabilization characteristic of the existing nature in Europe and US.
The demographic trend accelerated the economic growth, increased industrial production, however there has been no decrease in poverty.
In other words the increase in population trend has served as an inhibiting factor and has preserved social change in the country. Hence small family norms has been advanced in all sections of the society.
Also the value of late marriage, which help to complete their education and training and earn enough to provide reasonable standards of comfort, education etc., to their children.
Thus in order to bring about social change towards increased productivity and improvement in standard of living, family limitation programmes are to be followed in a deliberate manner.
Last modified: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 6:49 AM