Technological factor


  • Many social thinkers have felt that technological invention is the primary factor in explaining social and cultural change.
  • The invention of wheel, the pot, the compass, the printing press, the steam engine, the telephone, the motor car, radio, aeroplane, atom bomb, computers, cell phones etc., have brought many changes in the society.
  • Also technological developments have brought about many changes in attitudes, beliefs and even in tradition.
  • The establishment of industry, railway, bus services, restaurant etc., have brought about change with respect to caste and class behaviour. People of various caste work side by side in the modern working atmosphere.
  • Milk producers stand in queue to pour the milk in a dairy co-operative society ignoring their caste, creed, status etc.  
  • Technological advancements pushed India to number one milk producer, third in egg production in the world.
  • Technologies also bring in negative consequences. Eg. Introduction of exotic germ plasm led to decrease in disease resistance, elimination of indigenous breeds. 
Last modified: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 6:58 AM