Proteins, Vitamins and Pigments of Eggs



  • Egg is a rich source of protein and the protein is of high quality.
  • Proteins are present both in albumen and yolk.
  • The predominant protein of albumen is ovalbumen which constitutes 54% of the total albumen protein.
  • The other proteins present in albumen are conalbumin, ovomucoid, ovomucin, lysozyme, G2 globulin, G3 globulin, flavoprotein, avidin, ovomacroglobulin, ovoglycoprotein etc.
  • The major protein in yolk is ovovitelline which constitutes 75% of the total yolk protein and the remaining 25% is constituted by ovolivetin.
  • Ovovitelline is rich in phosphorus and one-third of phosphorus content of yolk is present in this fraction.
  • Ovolivetin is rich in sulphur and contains nearly one-third of the total sulphur of yolk and a very small proportion of phosphorus.
  • Proteins of vitelline and shell membranes are ovokeratin and ovomucin.
  • Shell proteins are mainly collagen in nature.
  • The proteins of egg contain all essential amino acids in correct proportions.


  • Egg contains both water and fat soluble vitamins.


  • Egg albumen contains the enzyme lysozyme, which is antimicrobial in nature and the yolk contains small amounts of catalase, peptidase, tributyrase, amylase, phosphatidase etc.


  • Shell pigments of egg include ovoporphyrin, which is responsible for the brownish tint of some eggs.
  • Ovocyan gives bluish tint to eggs ( in Araucana breed of chicken).
  • Some poultry egg shell membrane has a pinkish pigment porophyrin.
  • Albumen pigment is ovoflavin which has a creamy tinge.
  • Yolk pigments are of two types – water soluble pigment or lyochromes that resemble ovoflavin of albumen and fat soluble pigments or lipochromes which include carotenoids and xanthophylls.
  • Carotenoids include ά and βcarotenes which have vitamin A activity.
  • Xanthophylls include cryptoxanthene, zeaxanthene and lutein which have pigmenting property alone.
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 9:24 AM