Angiotensin receptors


 Angiotensin receptors (AT) are present on the surface of target cells.

  • Two subtype  receptors AT1 and AT2 have been identified.
  • Losartan is the specific antagonist for AT1 receptor.
  • All the effects of Angiotensin II are mediated through AT1 receptors.
  •  AT2 receptors have been identified in adrenal medulla and CNS
  • AT1 receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor utilizing different transducer mechanism in different tissues.
  •  Phospholipase C - IP3/DAG and intracellular calcium ions release underlies vascular and visceral smooth muscle contraction by activating myosin light chain kinase.
  • Membrane calcium ions are also activated.
  • Calcium movement induces aldosterone synthesis release, cardiac inotropy,depolarization of autonomic ganglia, adrenal medulla resulting catecholamine release and sympathetic outflow.
  • DAG activates protein kinase C which phosphorylase intracellular proteins and promotes cell growth.
  • In liver and kidney Angiotensin II inhibits adenyl cyclase.
  • Intrarenal homeostatic mechanism involves prostaglandin and leukotrienes production through activation of phospholipase A2.
  • This molecular mechanism has a wide effect on myocardium, vascular smooth muscle, fibroblasts through AT1 receptor where Angiotensin II has sustained effect on cell growth and intracellular matrix synthesis.
Last modified: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 10:15 AM