Clinical uses



Used as first line of drugs in all grades of hypertension.


  • No postural hypotension,electrolyte disturbances, weakness, and CNS effects.
  • Safe for diabetic, asthamatics, peripheral vascular disease patients.
  • Prevent secondary hyperaldosteronism and potassium loss due to diuretics
  • Renal flow is maintained
  • Reverse left ventricuar hypertrophy
  • No adverse effect on lipid profile
  • No rebound hypertension on withdrawal
  • Increase the life expectancy of hypertensives.

Congestive Heart failure

  • Retard the progression of ventricular systolic dysfunction and prolong survival of CHF patients

Myocardial infarction

  • Advocated within 24 hours of attack and continued for more weeks - reduce early as well as long term mortality, irrespective of systolic dysfunction and hypotension is avoided.

Diabetic nephropathy

  • Prolonged therapy prevents end stage renal disease in both insulin and non insulin dependant situations. It is of value in diabetic nephropathy whether hypertensive or not.
Last modified: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 10:48 AM