Therapeutic uses of choline esters


  • Glaucoma - Carbachol and methacholine are used as eye drops to decrease intra ocular pressure. Methacholine is administered with a cholinesterase inhibitor like neostigmine.
  • Gut hypomotility and urinary retention - In post operative and post partum cases to increase the gut motility and urinary bladder contraction these drugs are useful.
  • Atrial tachycardia - Bethanechol is systemically administered to inhibit atrial pace maker activity.
  • Diagnosis of atropine poisoning - Methacholine is given subcutaneously to test for the loss of flush/sweating or miotic response when atropine poisoning is suspected.
  • Colic and impaction of intestinal tract - While using carbachol for this purpose care should be taken to rule out obstruction, as use of carbachol in obstruction may lead to rupture. Repeated small doses can be given to horses in colic. In ruminal atony and impaction it can be given, however higher doses may inhibit rumenoreticlular activity.
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 May 2011, 3:02 PM