

This is one of the alpha two adrenoceptor agonist and is available both in powder and solution forms.

Effects of xylazine based immobilization

  • Animals appear sleeping
  • Snoring sounds will be heard at a distance in species like elephants
  • Dullness
  • Reduced movements

Analgesia lasts for fifteen to thirty minutes and after this period, painful techniques should not be undertaken, in general. However, it is to be noted that a sleep like state is maintained for almost about an hour to two hours.


  • It is significant to note that the seemingly sedated animal may get up explosively causing concern to the safety of the persons nearby.
  • If the dose rate is exceeded, death may occur and hence, correct judgment of the dose rate depending on the species needs to be made if one wants to have a success in it’s usage in various species of wild animals. Atropine may be of useful to reduce the drug effects of xylazine.

Antidote for xylazine

  • Yohimbine at the dose rate of 0.125 mg per Kg body weight and Doxapram hydrochloride may be used as a respiratory stimulant.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 8:02 AM