Fentanyl and Carfentanyl


  • Fentanyl is a morphine derivative and is about one hundred and eighty times more potent than the morphine as an analgesic. This drug is often combined with droperidol which is a tranquilizer.
  • Though the effects start in about ten minutes, the effects may persist for about forty minutes.

Use in wild animals 

  • The combination of droperidol with Fentanyl may be used in various species of wild animals especially carnivores, nonhuman primates and various small mammals among the wild animal species.


  • Naloxone hydrochloride is an antidote to be used at the dose rate of 0.006 mg per Kg body weight.
  • Carfentanyl may be used in wild animals but is one of the costly drugs and is a narcotic one.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 8:05 AM