

Hypothyroidism in captive wild mammals

  • This may occur in any species of wild mammals.
    • Obesity, alopecia, dullness with lethargic movements and lowered serum cholesterol are the major features in this hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism in captive aviary species (documented in budgerigars etc.)

  • Goiter in birds due to iodine deficiency may lead to hypothyroidism because the iodine is a must for the development of thyroid gland.
  • Due to iodine deficiency, there may be hypertrophy of thyroid gland resulting in goiter.
    • The affected birds will reveal change of voice i.e. a respiratory noise heard as a characteristic ‘click’ and this is due to the pressure of the enlarged thyroid on syrinx and the lower trachea.
    • In addition to the obesity and dullness, there may be ruffled feathers in the affected bird.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 9:58 AM