Food spectrum


  • This is the range of food materials that are taken by the concerned wild animal species. Food spectrum varies from species to species. The different components in this food spectrum are available in large numbers in particular seasons or periods of the year. In a palatability gradient, the relished food materials rank high always.
  • Prey species needs to be abundant for the survival of the concerned wild animal species in a wildlife area. Similarly, the biodiversity of the concerned prey animal species needs to be more and hence, the predators may have the choice in selecting the type of wild animal species as the prey for it.
  • Carnivores mostly go for the ‘economic prey’.


  • Tigers prefer gaur or sambar mostly rather than going for the prey species like mouse deer.
  • Herbivores generally select materials of lower energy when compared to the carnivores. Hence, these species are prone to suffer from either qualitative food stress due to the lesser nutritional values of the feeds under consumption or from quantitative food stress that occurs due to shortage.
Last modified: Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 7:43 AM