

  • National
    • Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
    • Wildlife Institute of India (WII)
    • Indian Board For Wildlife (IBWL)
    • Botanical Survey of India(BSI)
    • Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)
    • Indian Institute of Sciences(IIS)
    • Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI)
    • Central Zoo Authority(CZA)
    • National Board for Wildlife(NBWL)
    • Wildlife Trust of India(WTI)
  • International
    • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (ICUN)
    • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
    • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
    • Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce (TRAFFIC)
    • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO)
    • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
  • Others
    • International Commision on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)
    • International Commision on Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
    • Global Tiger Forum (GTF)


Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)

  • It is the largest Non-government organization engaged in nature conservation research. The role and functions were mainly related to the fact that conservation must be based on scientific view. Dr.Salim Ali was the first Indian Honorary Secretary in this organization.

Wildlife Institute of India (WII)

This institution was established in Dehradun in 1982 with an objective of becoming a significant centre for wildlife training, research, publication and extension in India. The functions and roles are related to the followings:

  • Training of personnel for protected area management and wildlife research
  • Training of education and extension specialists for protected area management and wildlife research
  • Offering of orientation courses for those who are involved in land use management
  • Provision of advisory and consultant service to central and state governmental agencies , universities, colleges, institutions and other official and non-official agencies.
  • Creation of databases by employing modern computerized analytical techniques.
  • To conduct and co-ordinate applied wildlife research.

Indian Board For Wildlife (IBWL)

  • Prevents cruelty against birds and beasts caught alive.
  • Promotes public involvement in wildlife and its preservation in harmony with natural and human environment.
  • 1st phase of IBWL was confined to protection of wildlife from poachers and unscrupulous hunters.
  • 2nd phase was associated with development and creation of National Parks and Sanctuaries where threatened species are protected.
  • 3rd phase was associated to the detailed study and improvement in the existing food and water reserves, offering of effective protection to threatened species and fast development of wildlife sanctuaries

Botanical Survey of India(BSI)

  • Carries out surveys on faunal resources of India.

Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)

  • Carries out surveys on the faunal resources of India.
  • ZSI has published the Red Data Book on Indian animals.

Indian Institute of Sciences(IIS)

  • This is located at Bangalore and is involved in studies on ecology and wildlife of Western Ghats.

Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI)

  • It is a NGO founded in 1958 at Dehradun. Promotes interest and knowledge among people in the field of preservation and conservation of all kinds of fauna and flora and management.
  • Supports in enforcement of wildlife protection act.
  • Promotes wildlife tourism.
  • Co-operates with state Government of India as well as other societies and institutions for the interest of wildlife protection.
  • Protects, propagates and conserves the wildlife.

Central Zoo Authority(CZA)

  • This is the highly empowered statutory body established in 1992.

Main functions are:

  • To specify the minimum standards for housing and veterinary care of the zoo animals.
  • To provide technical and other assistance to zoos for their proper management.
  • To identify endangered species of wild animals for the purpose of captive breeding.
  • To recognize or derecognize zoos
  • To evaluate the functioning of a zoo.
  • To co-ordinate research in captive breeding and educational programmes
  • To ensure maintenance of stud book of endangered species of wild animals bred in captivity.
  • To restrict the power of a zoo regarding acquisition or transfer of any wild animal specified in schedule I and II.
National Board for Wildlife(NBWL)
  • Started in 1952. This is the highest advisory body of the Government of India regarding wildlife.
  • It is instrumental for legislation of wildlife protection act and guides central and state government on matters pertaining to wildlife through legislative and practical measures.
  • Helps to solve the policy matters.

Wildlife Trust of India(WTI)

  • It is a non-profit conservation organization located in Delhi.
  • It works on conservation related programmes in India through a team of professionals comprising of biologists, veterinarians, communication specialists , lawyers , etc.
  • This organization has special programmes pertaining to sloth bear. Elephant, tiger, rhinoceros , etc.

Department of Wildlife Science, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai and Centre for Wildlife Forensic and Health, M.P. Veterinary University, Jabalpur and Indian Veterinary Research Insitute, Bareilly, UP state and Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Karnataka state :

These insitutions are currenlty involving in teaching, research and extension activities pertaining to wildlife science.


International Union For Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

  • Now called as World Conservation Union. It is the world’s largest and most important conservation network. It is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural organization.
Role and Functions
  • It links both research and results to local, national, regional and global policy by convening dialogues between Governments, civil society and private sector.
  • It supports and develops cutting-edge conservation science and implements this research in field projects around the world.
  • It facilitates paths for peace between countries in areas of conflict and works with the corporate sector on energy and bio-diversity.
  • Species Survival Commission (SSC) is one of the Commissions of IUCN which has aim of conservation of bio-diversity.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species(CITES)

  • This organization helps to prevent the over-exploitation of wild fauna and flora. Government of India signed this convention in July 1974 and became a party to it from 18th oct, 1976.

Role and Functions

  • People and states are linked for best protection of their own wild fauna and flora.
  • Stresses on need of International collaboration.
  • Stresses on need of undergoing the ever-growing value of wild fauna and flora from aesthetic, scientific, cultural , recreational and economic point of view.
  • Emphasizes that the wild fauna and flora in their many beautiful varied forms are on irreplaceable part of the natural systems of the earth.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce (TRAFFIC)

  • It is a wildlife trade watch group of IUCN and WWF for nature.
  • Started in 1975 with the aim of monitoring wildlife trade worldwide.
  • It collects and analyses the data on wildlife trade.
  • TRAFFIC – India was established on 1/01/1992 as a division of WWF – India and a part of global TRAFFIC network.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

  • It launched man and bio-diversity programme

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

  • It was set up in 1961 and giant panda is the official symbol of WWF .
  • It was earlier called as world wildlife fund but in 1990 it was renamed as world wide fund for nature.

Role and Functions

  • It helps to raise funds for urgent conservation requirements and promoting conservation through the world wide education campaign and public consciousness. Grants are raised by donations from public, heritable foundations, regular members, etc.


International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)

International Commission on Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)

Global Tiger Forum (GTF)

  • It is an International platform to discuss features pertaining to the protection of tiger population in the world.

Role and Functions
  • Establishment of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks
  • Establishment of special squad to discover poaching etc.
  • Focuses on welfare of tiger-populations.
Tiger Conservation Society (TCS)
  • Voluntary participation and raising of funds for conservation of tigers.
  • Obtaining of international co-operation from countries known for existence of tigers.
  • Improvement of tiger habitat and to promote conservation of tigers, ultimately.
Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 5:49 AM