Anesthetics commonly used


Gaseous anesthetics

  • Halothane
    • It is a halogenated hydrocarbon
    • It’s usage is on decrease due to increased popularity of isoflurane and sevoflurane.
  • Side effects
    • Development of arrhythmia.
  • Demerits
    • Limited availability.

Nitrous oxide

  • This is not used as a solo anaesthetic due to its low potency. It is commonly used as 50% mixture with balance of the mix being oxygen.
  • Contraindications
    • This is contraindicated in animals with pneumothorax, gastric dilatation, gas embolism, etc.


  • This is the most widely used veterinary inhalant anaesthetic.
  • This is stable and potent.
  • This has a high saturated vapour pressure.
  • Merits
    • Metabolism of isoflurane is minimal and fluoride induced nephrotoxicity is uncommon.


  • Limited use in veterinary medicine.
  • Injectable anaesthetics
    • Barbiturates
      • This causes anasethesia through depression of CNS activity. Eg. Thiopental, pentobarbital etc.
    • Demerits
      • Perivascular injection can lead to tissue necrosis.
      • Their use in non domestic species due to practical “inability” to obtain reliable intravenous access prior to anaesthetic induction.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 8:07 AM