Specific classification


Visceral gout

(usually occurs as acute form)

  • Deposition of whitish urate or uric acid crystals (end products of nitrogenous metabolism or protein metabolism) in case of reptiles and birds (urate crystals are deposited as white coloured powder or foci often on epicardium and liver mainly and also on kidney and some times on peritoneum)
  • Note
    • Localization of urate crystals may vary from individual to individual

Articular gout or synovial gout

(usually occurs as chronic form)

  • Urate deposition in and around the joints.
  • Deposition of urate crystals form in joints form small white nodules called as tophi or tophus which are clearly visible to the unaided eyes.


  • Both the articular form and the visceral form of gout are the clinical forms of same problem(gout)
  • Perhapes, in case of articular gout, tissue reaction is there by swelling (tophi is present)
  • In visceral form, though some urate crystals may get deposited on synovial membranes of joints, there is no tissue reaction at the joints.
Last modified: Monday, 27 September 2010, 7:57 AM