Calcium related metabolic derangements in wild birds


  • Other than bone related disease, some abnormalities are encountered in captive birds due to deranged calcium metabolism and are furnished below:
    • Egg binding is commonly encountered in many aviary species and along with other causes, calcium deficiency due to multiple metabolic derangements play a significant role. Hence, in egg bound aviary species, calcium borogluconate is given by I/V or S/C route and this helps in the improvement of the tonicity of the musculatures and helps in the rapid expulsion of egg
    • Malformed egg esp. shell less egg or partially shelled egg or soft shelled egg may be laid by multiple aviary species reared under captive conditions. In addition to the salpingitis, the etiological factor for this might be the existence of imbalance in calcium and phosphorus levels.
    • An imbalance in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D is commonly encountered in parrots and the problem arises as a result of their customary diet of high oil-bearing foods such as sunflower and peanuts. This in addition to the metabolic derangements produce a variety of clinical expressions in the affected wild birds reared in captivity.
Last modified: Monday, 27 September 2010, 8:07 AM