Wild pig and Gaur


Wild pig (Sus scrofa)

  • Elongated head with abruptly ending snout that is mobile in nature and snout ends in a flat disc with nostrils. Upper canines curve upwards and outwards
  • Tushes are well developed in males. Both the upper and lower tushes curve outwards and project from the mouth. White hairs are present on body.
  • New born are striped. 

Gaur (Bos gaurus)

  • Huge head, massive body and well set apart-horns.
  • Muscular ridge upon the its shoulders is present that slopes down to the middle of the neck where it ends in an abrupt dip.
  • White stockings in feet are present.
  • No white patch behind thighs unlike tsaine.
  • Shy animal visits the salt licks, often.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 10:16 AM