Jackal and Indian fox


Jackal (canis aureus)

  • Live in lowlands, about towns, villages and agricultural- fields, sheltering in holes in the ground, among ruins or in dense grass and scrub lands.
  • Jackals adjust to any environment & live in groups and attacks any small or wounded animal.
  • Black backs to the upper half of its ears and tail’s white tip differentiates it from foxes
  • Gather in pack to hunt small deer or antelope as much as wild dogs do.
  • Comes out at dusk and retire at dawn.

Indian fox (vulpes bengalensis)

  • Smaller in size than the jackal.
  • Commonly seen in plains and is slimmer in build than the red fox.
  • Its general color is grey, purer grey in winter and has rufous limbs that contrasts from the body. Tail is bushy and end is blackish in color. Tail falls on ground when on slow walk and tail is used for balance during movements.
  • Many live in cultivated lands, bordering irrigation channels & prefers open-country areas
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 10:27 AM