Wolf and Binturong


Wolf (Canis lupus)

  • These canids have large skull and teeth.
  • Color is variable and have sandy fawn coats stippled with black.
  • Dense hair materials are present as winter coat.
  • Live in forests as well as in deserts where they shelter from the heat in burrows dug in sand dunes.
  • Hunt by day or by night and prey mainly on cattle and occasionally carry off children !

Binturong (Arctictic bintourong)

  • This is also called as ‘bear cat’.
  • It lives in dense forests and is mainly arboreal in nature.
  • Its tufted ears, its long shaggy coat are suggestive of bear.
  • Tail is bushy in nature and is markedly thick at the base.
  • Rests by curling up in a hole of the tree.
  • Omnivorous in nature like any other civets.
  • Nocturnal in nature.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 10:30 AM