Common langur, Nilgiri langur and Golden langur
Common langur (Presbytis entellus)
This is also called as ‘Hanuman monkey’.
Long-limbed, long-tailed and black-faced non-human primate.
Himalayan animals esp. the western ranges are the largest and heaviest.
Panther is the chief predator of this species.
Makes sound when leaping from tree to tree.
Average troop size is about 18 to 25.
Nilgiri langur (Presbytis johni)
Glossy black or blackish-brown animals with a yellowish-brown head. The rump and base of the tail may be grizzled.
The young animals are reddish brown till they become ten weeks old and then, they assume jet black color.
Lives in troops varying in size from 3 to 25 with 8 to 9 animals in a troop.
They produce an early morning sound
Arboreal in nature.
Golden langur (Presbytis geei )
Uniformly deep cream color in dull light, bright golden in sunlight.
Hairs are longer and darker that are almost red, lighter in summer.
Face is black and the tail is mildly tassellated.
Lives in small troops of aout nine animals with one adult male and more females and many subadults
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 10:35 AM