Glass tracer method


  • First, take a rectangular piece of glass suited to accommodate the pug mark-margins.
  • Check up the transparency of glass in a clean manner
  • Place the glass material on the pug-mark made on the ground by the live pug mark-models
  • Fix it well by screws in corners or tightly place it on the ground over which the pug marks made with models are sighted.
  • Keep the eyes fixed in a straight line over the glass material.
  • Identify the borders of the concerned pug mark
  • Draw the diagram by continuing the pen over the borders of the pug mark found below the glass material by using the permanent marker pen.
  • Mention the date, area, species, details on adult or sub-adult or young one if possible etc. over the glass material
Last modified: Monday, 27 September 2010, 12:05 PM