Tube feeding method in birds


  • Select the sterile feeding tube for each bird.
  • Hold the bird gently and straighten the neck vertically with the head that is grasped under mandibles.
  • Pass the selected tube into the oral cavity and down the esophagus on the right side of
  • the neck.
  • You can now see the passage of tube if you wet the area of proximal neck or you can feel the passage of tube by palpation of proximal neck region.


  • If the bird is with crop, pass the tube directly into the crop
  • If the bird is without crop, pass the tube up to the distal end of esophagus; if not, this may lead to the development of iatrogenic trauma to the proventriculus and / or gizzard.
Last modified: Monday, 27 September 2010, 8:22 AM