1.Fundamentals of fish nutrition

Unit 1- Fundamentals of fish nutrition

1.1.Fundamentals of fish nutrition

Good nutrition is of paramount importance for economic production of healthy and high quality product. In fish farming, nutrition of fish is critical because feed represents 40-50% of the production costs. Fish nutrition research has advanced in recent years with the development of commercial diets that promote fish growth and health. Development of species-specific feed formulations support the aquaculture (fish farming) industry as it expands to satisfy increasing demand for affordable, safe, and high-quality fish and seafood products.

Culturing fish in captivity, nothing is more important than sound nutrition and adequate feeding. Hence growth is affected either due to less intake of feed or under utilization of feeds. An undernourished animal cannot maintain its health and be productive, regardless of the quality of its environment.

The production of nutritionally balanced feed for fish requires efforts in research, quality control, and biological evaluation. Faulty nutrition obviously impairs fish productivity and result in a deterioration of health until recognizable diseases ensues. The borderlines between reduced growth and diminished health, on the one hand, and overt disease, on the other, are very difficult to define. However, the problem of recognizing a deterioration of performance in its initial stages and taking corrective action will remain an essential part of the skill of the fish culturist.

Fish feed technology is one of the least developed sectors of aquaculture, particularly in the third world countries. Most of the present-day information on fish feed is based on nutritional and diet development work carried out on temperate fish species of fish in advanced countries. Commercial formulations of feeds are generally proprietary secrets, and the ingredients used are often too expensive to be used in developing countries. The need for developing suitable feeds based on locally available inexpensive ingredients has therefore, been widely recognized.
Last modified: Thursday, 19 May 2011, 8:46 AM