1.4. Selection of riverine fish spawn collection sites, gear used and methods of collection

Unit 1 - Fish seed resources and natural breeding of finfishes

2. Selection of riverine fish spawn collection sites, gear used and methods of collection
  • The Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI) located at Barrackpore, Kolkata, during 1959 – 1964, conducted a pioneering program of seed prospecting investigations on various river system with a view to ascertaining the quality and quantity of fish seed, availability, gears for spawn collection, method of collection, measurement of fish seed, factors responsible for fluctuation in seed availability, etc. on an all-India basis.
  • The diverse geographical and climatic conditions of India greatly influence riverine resources of the country.
  • The most important carp seed resources are: eggs, spawn, and fry and fingerlings.

Last modified: Monday, 13 June 2011, 11:16 AM