Critical stages of crop growth

Critical stages of crop growth

    • Optimal soil moisture for plant growth varies with the stage of crop growth. Certain periods during the crop growth and development are most sensitive to soil moisture stress compared with other. These periods are known as moisture sensitive periods. The term critical period is commonly used to define the stage of growth when plants are most sensitive to shortage of water. Inadequate water supply during moisture sensitive periods will irrevocably reduce the yield and provision of adequate water and other management practices at other growth stages will not help in recovering the yield lost.
    • In case of vegetables, when they are young, though transpire less water, need a stress free moisture condition because of the very weak root system which is sparsely distributed and located in upper 15 to 20 cm layer of soil that gets quickly dried. Vegetable crops utilize and transpire more water in the later stages of growth during which moisture stress markedly reduces yield.
    Critical soil moisture periods of crops
    Crop Available soil moisture (%) Critical soil moisture stage of crops
    Chillies 50 Tenth leaf to Flowering and fruit development and after periodical harvests
    Potato 65 Stolon formation, Tuberization and tuber enlargement
    Onion 60 Bulb formation and bulb enlargement
    Tomato 60 Flowering and fruit development and each harvest
    Peas 40 Flowering and pod development
    Cabbage 60 Head formation and enlargement
    Cauliflower 70 Curd formation and enlargement
    Brinjal 50 Flowering and fruit development and after each harvest
    Cucumber 50 Flowering and fruit development
    Bhendi 45 Flowering and pod development
    Leaf vegetables 70 Entire crop duration
    Fruit crops For fruit crops 50% Available soil moisture is taken as critical limit
    Flowering, fruit setting, fruit growth
    Early vegetative period flowering and fruit formation
    Start of fruiting to maurity
    Pine apple
    Vegetative growth
    Vegetative growth. Frequent irrigation during vegetative stage may cause rotting of friuts
    Period of fruit growth
    A drought resistant plant ; irrigation is required during fruit growth

    • All the stages of growth is equally sensitive to soil moisture stress for crops where vegetative parts are of economic importance. Total growth and yield of perennial plants are the summation of effects of stress at each growth stage. However, adequate water supply is essential at flower bud initiation, flowering and fruit set. Flower bud formation, however, increase due to restricted water supply prior to flower bud initiation in the case of citrus and mango.
    • For realizing maximum benefit from the scarce irrigation water, irrigation is to be scheduled at moisture sensitive periods by withholding irrigations at other periods of lesser sensitivity. Such irrigation schedules along with improved practices increase the water-use efficiency in crop production.

Last modified: Thursday, 21 June 2012, 11:45 AM