10.1.3. Art of Listening

10.1.3. Art of Listening

Many professionals do not wait and listen. Lack of listening may lead to erroneous communication. Managers and teachers should develop the art of listening and not assume that they know what is being said. Good and active listening requires careful hearing and understanding of the message to make out its meaning. Listening is often undermined by distractions arising from the environment, the learner and the speaker.

Listening is a part of good communication. Active listening, sometimes by writing notes, responses greater confidence in the listener. Listening is to showing respect to the speaker and his/her view point. A number of package courses on effective listening are marketed. In such courses, managers are made to listen over extended durations and capture the critical information, constantly analyse the message, retain keywords, organise their thoughts and then respond to the situation

Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 6:05 AM