- Plant needs an effective transport system for translocation of their photoassimilates from the area of synthesis (source) to area of utilization (sink).
- Every plants needs an effective transport system for the translocation of their photoassimilates from the areas of synthesis(source) to areas of utilization(sink).
- For instance during germination, stored assimilates in the seed is mobilized and moved to active meristems for leaf, stem and root development and soon the seedlings become autotrophic.
- Assimilates produced by green tissue is translocated throughout the plant for growth, development, storage and maintenance.
- The division of assimilates among these process termed partitioning determines the crop production.
- The partitioning of assimilates and inorganic nutrients can affect both the efficiency of phloem transport, dry matter production and the partition of matter in the harvest.
- In plant growth & development, materials are moved from source to sink, primarily through xylem & phloem.
- Assimilates produced by green tissues is translocated throughout plant for growth, development, storage and cell maintenance .The division of assimilates among these process is termed as partitioning
- It determine the dry matter production and productivity of crop
Last modified: Friday, 23 December 2011, 9:22 PM