

  • The beauty of roses seems to have no limit, no end and that is the reason that, the search for a more beautiful rose will always continues.
  • Every year many new cultivars are added and marketed all over the world.
  • The success of rose culture greatly depends upon the proper choice of class and cultivars.
  • At present there are more than 20,000 cultivars of roses, differing widely in form, shape, size, colour, fragrance and flowering habit.
    1. Garden display:
    • The first step in the selection of rose cultivation for this purpose will be the kind of roses, which will suit the location and fulfill the object.
    • Form, size, shape, floriferous-ness, color and fragrance have to be taken into consideration.
    • Cultivars should be resistant to insect pests and diseases.
    • The HT cultivars producing beautiful shaped blooms of long lasting quality,
    • Born singly on long straight stalks.
    • The cultivars which open slowly and the blooms last for a longer period when placed in water are suitable for export purpose
      Eg. Cultivars like Passion, First Red, Sonia Milland, Mercedes, Red Success, Miracle, Orange Gate, Prophyta, Nobless, Somantha etc., are in great demand.
    3. Exhibition: For this purpose certain specific qualities are essential.
    In “Rose show” under different classes are required. The most important sections are as follows
      a. H.T. specimen bloom
      b. Floribundas
      c. Polyanthas
      d. Miniature /button roses.
      e. Fragrant roses
      f. Climbers
      a. H. T. Specimen bloom:
      • These are major attractions in a rose show.
      • Specimen blooms are the top quality blooms of large sized, high centered having sufficient number of petals which are arranged symmetrically in an attractive outline, forming a high circle 3-6 flowers are arranged in specimen section.
      b. Floribundas:
      • In this section the main considerations is the floriferousness and quality of the spray.
      • The floribundas are judged on the basis of inflorescence.
      • The arrangement of flowers and number of symmetrical and well balanced spray.
      • They are called ‘Spray roses’.
    c. Polyanthas: They are mostly miniature like but single petals.
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 6:33 AM