1.5.7.Leadership Identification using Participatory Rural Appraisal Techniques
1.5.7.Leadership Identification using Participatory Rural Appraisal Techniques
Sociogram : It is a diagram consisting of circles representing persons in a group with lines indicating which people did not choose each other.
Sociometry: It is a scientific method for identification of leaders. This technique describes the Social relationship that exists between individuals in a group. This is primarily concerned with obtaining choices on interpersonal relations such as with whom one would like to work, play etc. or to whom one would go for advice or for dealing other problems. It attempts to describe social phenomena in quantitative terms. It may be used in selecting both professional and lay leaders.
The workshop method: Through this method, the larger group is divided into smaller groups and the responsibility of the programme and decision – making rests upon the smaller unit; leadership emerges in each group.
Key informants: In a community,key informants may be asked to indicate leaders in that area. This is a cost-saving and time-saving method. .
Self designating technique: In this technique, a respondent is asked a series of questions to determine the degree to which he perceives himself as an opinion leader.
Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 9:46 AM