Base rot of pine apple

Base rot of pineapple

    Causal organism: Ceratocystis paradoxa
      • It is typically the black rot of butt of the plant.
      • The soft tissues are destroyed and only stringy fibers decay of the butt is followed by wilting of the foliage and the diseased plants break off at low level
      • The leaves show grey spots with dark margin which turn olive brown or white. With advancement of the diseases tissues become dry and leaves are destroyed.
      • Finally the skin flesh and core get disintegrated.
      • The fruit decay is accompanied by a sweetish smell and the fungus can be found on the rotting tops and suckers left lying in heaps in damp situation
      Mode of spread
      • The parasitic fungus survives in the form of black spores in the soil.
      • Infection takes place during picking and packing, through spores disseminated by wind or rains or affected parts.
      • The disease is prevalent in warmer months with wet weather conditions.
      • The disease development is favoured by warm weather and wet soil or storage conditions.
      • Serious losses occur when the suckers are kept in a damp place or when planting is followed by prolonged wet weather condition.


      • The planting material should be cured for at last two are three days in the sun before planting or packing for transportation.
      • Dipping of the plants captofol solution(13.5kg/ha).
      • Dipping of fruits after harvest for three minutes in benomyl (0.2%) or thiabendazole (0.1%) solution.

Last modified: Saturday, 14 January 2012, 4:50 AM