

    Mango trees are attacked by the total stem parasite, Cuscuta spp. The first appearance of the parasite, dodder in the field is noticed as small masses of branched, thread like, leafless stems which are devoid of the green pigment and which twine around the stem are leaves of the host. The common colour is creamy yellow or orange. The leaves are represented by minute functionless scales. When the stem comes in contact in host, minute root like organs penetrate the host cortex reaching into the fibro vascular bundles. The tiny, white, pink or yellowish flower occurs in clusters. A single plant may be produces many as 3000 seeds. It perpetuates through seeds, which fall on the ground and remain dormant until a favorable seasons returns. Clover, be seem, flax and many oil seed crops are commonly attacked. The crop seed should be properly cleaned and should be free from dodder seeds. Grazing animals should not be allowed to move through dodder-infested area. Badly infested crop should be burnt and destroy before the parasite produces flowers and seeds. Field should be left fallow after selected eradication measures have been completed. Higher crop rotation beginning with non-host crop should be followed to reduce its infestation.

Last modified: Monday, 16 January 2012, 7:07 AM