Soft rot of grapes

Soft rot of grapes

    Causal Organism : Phomopsis viticola Sacc.
    Berries develop small brown spots. Later they become round with distinct dark brown margins. Infected tissues becomes pulpy and white mycelial growth appears after 4 to 5 days.
    The berries get completely rotten within 10 to 12 days and emit a fermented odour.
    Black pinhead-like fruiting bodies (pycnidia) develop over the entire surface of the fruit after about 12 days .
    Mycelium of the fungus is inter and intra-cellular in the host tissue. It is branched, septate and hyaline.
    Two types of conidia are present – elliptical fusoid, acute at one or both ends, generally two guttulate and hemate or flexuous and filiform types.
    Avoiding injuries to the ripe berries helps controlling soft rot.
    Bhokri( Nasik Green), a South Indian grape variety was found to be more resistant than Thompson Seedless and Kali Sahebi varieties.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 12:29 PM