Phomopsis fruit rot

Phomopsis fruit rot

    Causal organism: Phomopsis psidii Camara.
    • The symptoms appear on unripe fruits at the blossom-end.
    • Infected fruits show small, conspicuous, white or light brown and circular spots. Some of the infected fruits shed prematurely.
    • As the fruits ripen, the spots extend and cover the fruit surface. The infected tissues become soft and emit an undesirable odour.
    • Weekly sprays with Bordeaux mixture (1.0 per cent) or copper oxychloride (0.3 per cent) are required for controlling of fruit rot.
    • Six monthly sprays with Mancozeb (0.2 per cent) during fruiting stage are helpful in controlling fruit rot.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 5:05 AM