Papaya mosaic disease

Papaya mosaic disease

    It is a viral disease, transmitted by aphids; Aphis gossypii and A.malvae.
    Causal organism: Papaya moasaic virus
    • The disease attacks papaya plants of all age groups, but is most serious on young plants. The aphids are responsible for transmitting the disease.
    • The disease symptoms appear first on the top young leaves
    • The leaves are reduced in size and show blister like patches of dark-green tissue, alternating with yellowish-green lamina.
    • The leaf petiole is reduced in length and the top leaves assume an upright position.
    • Infected plants show a marked reduction in growth.
    • Fruits borne on diseased plants develop water soaked lesions with a central solid spot. Such fruits are elongated and reduced in size.
    Mosaic of papaya
    • Good field sanitation and removal and destruction of infected plants reduce the spread of the disease.
    • Losses can be minimized by controlling the aphid population.
    • Application of Carbofuran (1 kg a.i. /ha) at the time of sowing followed by 2-3 foliar sprays of Phosphamidon (0.05%) at an interval of 10 days starting from 15-20 days after sowing effectively checks the population of aphids.

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2012, 6:07 AM