Leaf curl of papaya

Leaf curl of papaya

    Causal organism: Tobacco leaf curl virus
    • The disease effects yield and quality of fruits and serious losses are caused in terms of production and productivity.
    • The disease is transmitted by the vector white fly (Bemisia tabaci).
    • Severe curling, crinkling and deformation of leaves characterize the disease and mostly the young leaves are affected.
    • Apart from curling, leaves also exhibit vein clearing and thickening of the veins.
    • Sometimes the petioles are twisted. In severe cases complete defoliation of the infected plant is observed.
    • The infected plants show stunted growth with reduced fruit yield.
    Causal virus
    • The disease is caused by Tobacco leaf curl virus, belonging to Gemini virus group.
    • It is not seed or soil borne nor sap transmissible but is transmitted by grafting and white flies.
    • The germinated particle contain ssDNA.
    • The virus causing leaf curl disease of papaya has wide host range like Zinnia elegance, tomato, tobacco, and datura. White fly is the major vector transmitting the disease.
    • Removal and destruction inffected plants is the only control measure to reduce the spread of the disease.
    • Checking white fly population can also reduce the infection severity.
    • Soil application of Carbofuran (1 kg a.i./ha) at the time of sowing and 4-5 foliar sprays of Dimethoate (0.05%) or Metasystox (0.02%) or Nuvacron (0.05%) at an interval of 10 days effectively controls the whitefly population.

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2012, 6:10 AM